Worship with us at West Linn Lutheran Church – Sundays 9:30 a.m. in person or online on YouTube

Sunday mornings at West Linn Lutheran Church are as varied and welcoming as our members themselves. Starting at 9:30 am, our worship consists of a mixture of a tradition of collective responses called liturgy, traditional church hymns, and more modern worship songs.

These services focus on congregational participation. We believe that worship and the church are something where we all are active participants.

We invite everyone into the act of communion as a central aspect of our worship. Children are encouraged to be a part of the service as well. We provide an activity bag for them and there is time in the service for them to come forward and receive a message specifically for them.

Once the service itself is finished, we invite you to come and join us for a coffee hour in our fellowship hall. You can get some treats and meet the wonderful people of our congregation.

Watch Our Most Recent Worship Service
Look Through Our Complete Worship Service Archive

We publish our worship service videos on YouTube. If you would like to watch an earlier service you can look through this archive by clicking on the link below.

Worship Team

Our worship team leads us in more modern worship songs that are typically not found in a hymnal. Led by our Worship Coordinator and Pianist, it includes singers, guitarists, bass, and drums,. Anyone with musical talent is invited to join our worship team!

If you would like to know more or get involved please contact our Worship Coordinator and Pianist, Joshua Sommerville.


Our choir helps lead us in more traditional hymns that are typically found in our hymnal. They also perform special pieces of music for the congregation some Sundays and overall have a fantastic time. A history of being in choirs is not a requirement we only ask for enthusiasm! 

If you would like to know more or get involved please contact our Choir Director, Helen Pevzner.