
How can I serve at WLLC?

Great question!
Think about what you like to do, how God has gifted you to serve and when you are available to serve. We take your desire to serve very seriously and pledge to you that we will find a way to connect you with a serving opportunity that fits you.

SignUp Genius Discontinued

Until recently we were using an online form for volunteers to sign up for Sunday morning duties. We are now using team captains for each of these groups, and they will be doing the scheduling instead. Here are the team captains:

Greeters – Brad Horton
Ushers – Neal King
Assisting Ministers – Karl Wright
Readers (Lectors) – Chris Lord
Communion Servers – Terry Bottemiller
A/V Support – Gary Eppelsheimer
Coffee House Hosts – Tom & June Lenihan
Altar Guild – Gretchen Dumestre
Coin Counters – June Lenihan