Sunday Servants

What are Sunday Servants?
Sunday Servants is the term we use to describe volunteer tasks performed on Sundays for our worship services. There are a host of jobs to be done for a a service to be successful. This might be preparing the bread and wine for communion, reading the Bible lessons for the day, greeting visitors, or ushering.
Think about what you like to do, how God has gifted you to serve and when you are available to serve. We take your desire to serve very seriously and pledge to you that we will find a way to connect you with a serving opportunity that fits you.
Volunteer Form
Use this form to sign up as a Sunday Servant. We will contact you about training and scheduling for the positions you have selected.
Sunday Servant Volunteer Ministries
Click on any of the links in the list below to learn more about these Sunday Servant ministries. Thank you for your interest in these important ministries at our church. You are greatly appreciated!
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Greeters are the staple of our church’s hospitality ministry. They are generally the first person people will see when arriving at our church. With that in mind, the greeter’s job is to make everyone feel safe and welcome at West Linn Lutheran Church.
Greeters should greet people as they arrive before they enter the Sanctuary doors. This creates a personal and inviting presence as they approach the Sanctuary.
Greet everyone with a Smile and eye contact. Show that you truly enjoy welcoming others to church and are grateful they are attending.
Ushers are the volunteers that collect offerings during the service, direct traffic during communion, take a count of the number of people worshiping, and help seat visitors.
- Please arrive 20 minutes before the service begins. Find your name tag in the box at the usher station (make one if you can’t find it).
- During the Service, take headcount and fill out the attendance record. It should be deposited in an offering tray.
- During Children’s Sermon collect the Prayer Requests cards, deliver to the Assisting Minister.
- Following the Sermon collect offerings.
- Direct congregants during Communion.
- Following the Service reverse all actions noted above. In addition, walk through each pew collecting discarded papers, etc., straighten pews to assure adequate leg space for future service and tidy up the Prayground area.
Assisting Ministers
The assisting minister helps the pastor conduct the worship service. This includes reading parts of the liturgy, leading the prayers of the people, serving communion, making announcements and other duties. Please arrive 20 minute before the service begins. Find your name tag in the box at the usher station (make one if you can’t find it). Report to the sound booth to obtain and check your mic.
Readers (Lectors)
Readers (Lectors) read the Bible lessons for the day. There are typically two readings: one from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament. Readers stand at the podium in front of the congregation to do this task. Readings and prayers will be e-mailed (or mailed) to you early in the week before you are scheduled.
Communion Servers
Communion servers assist during communion by passing out wine and grape juice from pre-prepared trays. Approach the altar when the congregation is directed to be seated (after Lord’s Prayer). Each communicant is greeted by saying “This is the blood of Christ shed for you.” Y
A/V Support
There are multiple jobs to be done in this area. These include managing the in-house audio, the images and video shown on the overhead screen and he audio and video streamed out live.
Coffee House Hosts
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Pick up donuts Sunday morning. You may want to order donuts the day before, if you like, but you don’t have to. Generally, 4 dozen is good (it is recommended that one dozen of them be maple bars). Always bring some kind of fruit (especially for our diabetic members), and some kind of gluten free/dairy free item. You can also supplement other goodies (homemade or not), etc. Arrive by 8:15-8:30 to allow 45-60 minutes to set up and make coffee (we typically use 1 pot of decaf and 5 pots of regular). A few Church members may arrive before the Service, but most come to Coffee House after the Service has completed. Clean up kitchen before you leave. Save your receipts if you’d like to be reimbursed or use for a donation. The process for submitting receipts, and all other instructions, are in a notebook in the kitchen, located on top of the microwave.
Altar Guild
Download Detailed Instructions
The Altar Guild prepares the altar for Sunday and special services. This is usually the day before (Saturday). Duties include dusting, checking/filling candle oil, filling the baptismal font, preparing communion elements (pouring wine/grape juice, cutting bread) and setting the Table. Following the service, the Altar Guild teams clean and put away communion elements & service ware, count numbers of people participating (empty cups) and wash linens as needed. Volunteers serve in teams of 2 or more. Sometimes teams divide responsibilities by day (e.g.. part of the team setup, the other part cleanup).
Coin Counters
Job description to be completed soon.