God – From Whom All Blessings Flow
Giving From
- We give joyfully from the heart—as a response to the all we receive from God, who includes us in the Circles of Living and Circles of Life.
- We give from … an attitude that our offerings not only benefit the receiver but the giver as well. The spiritual discipline of giving makes us more generous people in all aspects of our lives.
- We give from … a commitment that our baptism calls us be good stewards of the earth and its resources, and of the time, resources and abilities that God has given us.
- We give from … the desire to counter the materialism and consumerism so rampant in our society.
- We give from … the invitation to be good stewards of our money and resources. Some say the church shouldn’t talk about money, but Jesus says much about responding to the poor, and the dangers of greed and wealth that is not shared.
Giving To
- We give joyfully to the church (for most of us, West Linn Lutheran) for it is the place of sanctuary where we receive spiritual formation through worship, community, and service.
- We give to … the ministry of a congregation because there are costs associated with running a church such as salaries, program, and building expenses.
- We give to … West Linn Lutheran because we value its ministry and the mission it declares, its stance of welcome and acceptance, and the stands it takes for inclusivity, justice and equality.
- We give to … the church and other charitable organizations because we are called to care for the poor, the needy and most vulnerable of our society.
- We give to … the church in generous and sacrificial ways differently than we give to support a museum or public radio. Our offerings and tithes flow from our faith and spiritual commitments.
We believe that giving is an act of worship. It is one way to make possible that part of our vision to “make a difference in the world.”
What Our Members Say
Recently, we asked members of West Linn Lutheran Church to discuss what this community meant to them. Watch these videos, to hear firsthand about their insights.