Adult Bible Study
Women’s Bible Study
Women’s Bible Study engages women in the joy of connection, building relationships, exploring new theological thought processes, praying for each other, and others. We meet twice monthly on the second and fourth Wednesday, 12 noon in the church library. Everyone is invited!
Other women’s ministry opportunities include:
- Women’s Advent Breakfast
- Future Retreats
- Hosting/coordinating receptions
- Kitchen oversight in partnership with Communications, Care and Operations Coordinator

Men’s Bible Study
Monday evenings during the NFL season
We invite any male-identifying persons to join our Men’s Bible Study. During the NFL season, join us on alternating Monday evenings at the church at 6 pm. We spend the first half of the game hanging out, sharing stories, and sharing food. Then at halftime, we turn our attention to a time of studying the scripture. This group is a fantastic way to get connected with other men within our church and is a welcoming environment for anyone interested in getting to know us! For more information contact Jon Winjum or the church office.