Welcome to West Linn Lutheran Church. We are an ELCA congregation located in West Linn, Oregon.
Mission Statement: Our mission is to invite all people into an trusting relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
We invite you to join our community of faith centered in the gospel of Jesus Christ and serving God’s people.
Please explore our web site and learn more about us. Our members are committed to actively sharing their spiritual and material blessings with others, both locally and globally.
Land Acknowledgement
West Linn Lutheran Church acknowledges that the land now known as West Linn rests on the traditional village sites of the Kalapuya Tribes, including the Bands of the Atfalati and Ahantchuyuk, who are today represented by the Confederated Tribes of Siletz and the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde. In1855 the U.S. Government forcibly removed the Tribes from this land to allow white settlers full access to the land west of the Cascades.
Willamette Falls was, and is, a sacred place for many Tribes. It was a place of commerce where the Tribes gathered, fished, and traded. The Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde recently built a fishing platform on the falls and continue to conduct ceremonial fisheries.
Acknowledging the indigenous stewardship of the land is one way we honor the elders of these Tribes and start telling a more complete history of our city. We encourage you to learn more about this history and support our Indigenous neighbors.
Christmas Eve at West Linn Lutheran
Christmas Eve, December 24 – Worship Services
We will be offering two Christmas Eve services this year. Both are candlelight services with communion. Please join us – all are welcome!
5:00 pm – Christmas Family Service
7:00 pm – Christmas Traditional Service

Our Welcome Statement
West Linn Lutheran Church is a community of faith that welcomes all regardless of race, religion, color, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, family status, national origin, age, disability, medical history, political affiliation, financial situation, mistakes made, successes achieved or any other category that you or the world have determined you belong. Our hope and prayer is that our congregation loves all as Jesus loves the world.
No exceptions.
This welcome extends throughout the life of our congregation.